Where is this year going??? Time has just flown by, as we are keeping quite busy still. Katie has just started classes back from Spring Break, but at least that means this tough semester is halfway over. Good news is that she is beginning to feel more like a nurse every day! Chris continues to play soccer and tie flies in his free time. It is so nice to have good hobbies!
A couple weekends ago, we went to our first FC Dallas soccer game of the season. Katie gave Chris season tickets for Christmas, so we will get to enjoy many more games over the next few months. Over Spring Break, we were able to make a quick trip to Houston for the Livestock Show & Rodeo, and to visit family. This year the concert was KISS, which (along with his pulled pork parfait and fried Snickers) Chris was very excited about. They put on a great show! We also took some time to continue updating our bedroom decor, as it has definitely been a bit by bit process. It is amazing how just a couple pieces can really make it feel more like our own.
One of the highlights of last weekend would have to be our visit to the Dallas Arboretum. We recently purchased a year membership so we can go more often because it is so incredibly beautiful. Right now the tulips are in bloom, as well as the cherry blossom trees and other colorful spring flowers. Too bad we can't post all of the amazing pictures on here!

Recently we have had many friends become pregnant or have babies, which is so exciting! We guess it's just that time in our lives where we are surrounded by people in that demographic, but it is crazy to see that transition from wedding invites to baby shower or baby b-day invites. This past weekend we brought dinner to some of our friends that recently welcomed a baby. She was so adorable, and Chris got to practice holding a baby for the first time.
Last, but not least, Katie had two more moles taken off for testing and the results were good and bad at the same time. Both came back clear of cancer (very good), but they were severely precancerous (bad). They were able to get clear margins, so those spots are gone for good, but this means that we cannot give up the good fight. We continue to be on guard against these threats and proactive in diagnosing and eliminating them, but prayers are always appreciated. As summer rolls around, be careful to protect your skin when you enjoy the beautiful weather!
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