Saturday, December 19, 2009

Six days until Christmas!

That being said, we will be shopping today as we still need to get something for about half of our list. The last week has been filled with Christmas cards, Christmas movies, and Christmas parties. There have been parties with our church, including a seated dinner in one of the most amazing houses we've been invited into, and a White Elephant gift exchange with our small group. There have been parties with our friends, including a time to bring gifts for an Angel Tree child. Finally, there have been parties with our family, including a Harrell family reunion of sorts. In the midst of all these events, we "finished" decorating our Christmas tree. It is sparse currently, but we know over the years we will add meaningful ornaments to fill it (and bigger trees) up. You can also see how difficult it is to get a real Christmas picture of our little family...haha! We love this time of year!

We also were able to spend Monday with Katie's Dad for his birthday. It was a great time and we are glad to be in Dallas for these moments.

All is well with Chris' work, but just slow around the holidays. Katie has been busy preparing for nursing school - buying books, uniforms, supplies...studying already...getting immunizations, and more. We were blessed for her to have been offered a student rep position at the bookstore, so the books and supplies were all half price (a HUGE savings). It is a bit strange to see stethoscopes and scrubs (not to sleep in this time) around the house. Here's to starting our next adventure!

One more thing: CONGRATS to Scott on his graduation!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holiday Season

Sorry it has been so long since our last post! We have been wrapped up in the holiday season and transitions the past month or so...

The Thursday before Thanksgiving was Katie's last day of work, then we headed down to Houston. That weekend we had a wedding shower and wedding to attend (picture below), so needless to say we were busy. While in Houston we were able to catch up with old friends, spend good time with family, and get some much needed rest and relaxation. We celebrated Thanksgiving with all of our family, Thursday was spent in Houston and the next day in Waco. Since Katie had some time off, she spent a week in College Station cooking, cleaning, and decorating with the family, while it was back to work for Chris.

Last weekend, when we were both back in Dallas, Chris' Dad was in town for a soccer tournament. We were able to catch one (cold) game. Since then we've been finishing Christmas decorations and getting everything in order before Katie begins classes in January. This year we got our first Christmas tree (not finished decorating it though) so it feels a lot more festive this time around! We hope everyone is enjoying the season and staying warm.