Saturday, December 19, 2009

Six days until Christmas!

That being said, we will be shopping today as we still need to get something for about half of our list. The last week has been filled with Christmas cards, Christmas movies, and Christmas parties. There have been parties with our church, including a seated dinner in one of the most amazing houses we've been invited into, and a White Elephant gift exchange with our small group. There have been parties with our friends, including a time to bring gifts for an Angel Tree child. Finally, there have been parties with our family, including a Harrell family reunion of sorts. In the midst of all these events, we "finished" decorating our Christmas tree. It is sparse currently, but we know over the years we will add meaningful ornaments to fill it (and bigger trees) up. You can also see how difficult it is to get a real Christmas picture of our little family...haha! We love this time of year!

We also were able to spend Monday with Katie's Dad for his birthday. It was a great time and we are glad to be in Dallas for these moments.

All is well with Chris' work, but just slow around the holidays. Katie has been busy preparing for nursing school - buying books, uniforms, supplies...studying already...getting immunizations, and more. We were blessed for her to have been offered a student rep position at the bookstore, so the books and supplies were all half price (a HUGE savings). It is a bit strange to see stethoscopes and scrubs (not to sleep in this time) around the house. Here's to starting our next adventure!

One more thing: CONGRATS to Scott on his graduation!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holiday Season

Sorry it has been so long since our last post! We have been wrapped up in the holiday season and transitions the past month or so...

The Thursday before Thanksgiving was Katie's last day of work, then we headed down to Houston. That weekend we had a wedding shower and wedding to attend (picture below), so needless to say we were busy. While in Houston we were able to catch up with old friends, spend good time with family, and get some much needed rest and relaxation. We celebrated Thanksgiving with all of our family, Thursday was spent in Houston and the next day in Waco. Since Katie had some time off, she spent a week in College Station cooking, cleaning, and decorating with the family, while it was back to work for Chris.

Last weekend, when we were both back in Dallas, Chris' Dad was in town for a soccer tournament. We were able to catch one (cold) game. Since then we've been finishing Christmas decorations and getting everything in order before Katie begins classes in January. This year we got our first Christmas tree (not finished decorating it though) so it feels a lot more festive this time around! We hope everyone is enjoying the season and staying warm.

Friday, November 6, 2009


This is one of those weeks that (for the most part) we are glad is over. As we said in our last post, we had decided to choose TWU for nursing school. When the mail came on Monday, an acceptance letter from UTMB along with a $5k scholarship caused us to rethink our choice. It was an incredibly difficult decision, but we decided to stick with our initial choice and stay here in Dallas. The paperwork is in and the decision is FINAL! Save the date for Katie's graduation: December 2011.

In other news, Chris' shoulder has been officially diagnosed as a nuisance. Basically it's a sprain/strain that will take time (and Alieve) to heal. It did keep him from hunting last weekend, which was a disappointment. Since he was in town for Halloween, we were able to to spend some time with friends watching scary movies that give both of us nightmares. Sorry, no pumpkin carving picture to show this year...maybe next year!

The only picture we've got for this week is from one of Katie's girls' nights. Last week, the girls from our church class got together to pack shoe boxes to donate for Christmas in honor of the daughter of a former minister that passed in a tragic bus accident. It was a great time to get together and give back. She also went to a fall tea over the weekend at a Dallas park with another group of girlfriends. We really enjoy the friends that we have made here and are glad we get to spend more time with them.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lions, Tigers, & Bears

Ok, well not lions and tigers, but yes bears. This past weekend we went to Waco to not only visit Katie's Nanny, but also to attend Baylor Homecoming festivities with her mom. It was Chris' first real taste of Baylor, so that was fun. You will see a picture below - Note the color shirt Chris wore and how descriptive the picture is of our personalities and relationship. We saw the parade, walked around campus, visited the bears, and ate some BBQ outside the game. It was a beautiful, fun day despite some strange setbacks - First, Chris showed off his skills by changing a tire after one on the car went from full to flat in less than a minute. Next, Chris being the scientist that he is, slipped and injured his shoulder while exploring a nearby creek. We're just glad the flat tire came before the creek...He's headed to the doctor this week, so we'll see what the diagnosis is soon (Katie's opinion doesn't count since she's not a nurse yet...haha).

On Sunday we entered a chili cookoff with our apartment community and had a great time cooking together. We started with Chris' mom's favorite chili and added our own twist: fresh jalapenos and diced jalapeno cheese pork sausage. Our "Bottom Burner Chili" did not win the actual contest, but it now has many fans. We're sure it will be a regular at our house from now on.

Life changes update: We have finally decided what our plans are for the year(s) to come. Pending Katie's acceptance letter to TWU (which is on its way), we will be staying where we are in Dallas for the next two years. After discovering that the UTMB program, despite its online courses, would require her to be in the Houston area basically 6 days a week, we decided we liked actually seeing each other :) We know this is what many of you have been praying for, and we're glad that we are finally at peace with such a big decision. Hopefully Chris' job will work out accordingly, so keep that in your prayers.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Rollercoaster

Well just because we haven't posted in awhile doesn't mean that it has been a slow few weeks. It has been packed full of fun times, sad times, and information we have been waiting for.

Chris has been getting into duck hunting lately, so in addition to having duck decoys stacked in our living room, he was able to go with a friend on a quick hunting trip to Galveston a few weeks ago. He returned with no ducks, but since he never leaves home without a fishing pole, we now have fish to cook. That same weekend we visited PawPaw in Louisiana. Driving all weekend is a trend for us now, as you will see...

The next weekend Katie's Dad took us to the State Fair of Texas. We always love spending the day there together, and aside from a few brief showers, the weather was perfect. No fried butter for us, but we did have some fair staples: corn dog, sausage on a stick, pinapple soft serve. We were sure that by this time we would have bought our new vehicle, but no luck - We are still looking and were able to sit in a couple of our favorites at the Fair's car show. No pictures this year, but here's a picture from last year's trip.

In the job area, we were faced with an incredibly difficult decision, but have made it through. We are staying in Dallas, so it's nice to have some sense of stability. Katie was asked to interview with UTMB, so we are getting closer in that arena as well. Both schools should send out letters in the next few weeks...At this point, we don't even know which we prefer and it looks like we might have to be the ones to pick. There will be much prayerful consideration over the next few weeks.

Finally, Chris' Grandad passed away about a week ago. Although he had been growing more sick the past couple months, it still feels like it happened so quickly. We were blessed to have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time together with him over the past few years, and we will miss him incredibly. It is always nice when we get to take a trip and visit family, but this one we would rather have not had to take. We love you Grandad!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Is it fall yet?

Well today is the last official day of summer, and I must say we are ready for the fall. Summer is great, but it just doesn't have the same effect as it did when we were in school. Sitting behind a desk all day is easier to do when it's rainy and cold outside!

In the spirit of fall, our church group held a back-to-school party Sunday night. Seeing as close to none of us are still in school, it was more of a back-to-football season party. Each person had to sport their team's colors, so you will see in our pictures that we were in the minority vs. Baylor. We grilled some burgers, watched the Cowboys game, and spent quality time with friends. To donate to the cause, Katie baked over 3 dozen brownie/blondie/cake/cookie bars all day Saturday. The German chocolate cake "brownies" are tried and true, but although the marshmallow chocolate chip "blondies" were pretty good, I don't think they are a keeper. Sometimes our kitchen feels like a test lab - Chris sampling for quality control and Katie making the necessary adjustments.

Chris' brother Brian came to visit this weekend also, so he helped Chris taste test a bit. He was in town to watch a couple soccer games Friday, but spent Saturday with us watching football and doing a bit of shopping. We always love to have friends and family visit. Hopefully one day soon we will have a guest bedroom or at least a little more square footage to accomodate.

Other than that, we are still waiting...waiting on letters, emails, any sort of information that would help us figure out what is in store for our next year and beyond...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"In the land of sand & sun, we don't flush for number one."

I need to print a retraction and say that Katie doesn't really hate snorkeling for more than 10 minutes. Apparently when you hit enter after a title it sends the post. Sorry for the confusion.

Now to explain the title of this post - We saw this sign in one of the Cruz Bay shops. On the island, rainwater is collected for household use. Water for drinking is more important than flushing...Need I say more?

Katie and I enjoyed island life last week on the wonderful island of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The trip involved ups and downs that are associated with traveling places including being welcomed to Ft. Lauderdale by our flight attendant when we should have landed in Miami. We did get to travel by land, sea, and air to reach our destination in Coral Bay on the east end of the island of St. John.

Our trip began in Houston where we dropped our dog, Dixie, off with the puppy grandparents. Chris' parents were kind enough to dog sit for us while we were gone. We had layovers in Miami and Puerto Rico before arriving in St. Thomas, taking free shots of rum, and then catching a ferry to St. John. The shot was a little rough on Chris and made his face tingle but he is a not a drinker. We were greeted at the dock by the innkeeper for the House of Open Arms. She took us to the grocery store in Cruz Bay before driving us to the other side of the island where we would be staying. St. John is quite mountainous and for us flat landers, it was an eye opening experience to be riding down those roads at night.

We awoke to a beautiful sunrise and banaquits chirping. Perfect way to start our first day in paradise. We went into Cruz Bay and picked up our Jeep and checked out the little shops before heading back to the cottage and an evening snorkel in Haulover Bay.

On the following days, Chris would fly fish for bonefish while Katie read on the beach in the mornings and then we would snorkel in the afternoon. We snorkeled at Hawksnest Bay, Jumbee Bay, Cinnamon Bay, Brown Bay, Lameshur Bay and Princess Bay. At Lameshur, Katie and I went on a 4 mile hike to see ancient pre-Columbian Indian petroglyphs carved in the rocks around a spring-fed pool near the island interior. We climbed from sea-level up and across a ridge that was over 400ft then back down to sea level and up another 100ft to the spring. It was a hot hike that took 2 hours to complete but was totally worth it. It really is amazing how one side of a ridge can be so arid and then the other so tropical.

St. John really is a lovely little island with much to offer. There is a variety of different animals, fish, plants, etc and we loved crossing paths with them each day. Between snorkel trips there are many roadside stands selling food and drinks. We stopped at one of these stands to get smoothies made with local fruits. There are also many ruins all over the island dating back to the 1700s when the island was part of the Dutch colonies and there were many sugar plantations and even a few forts to protect the main town. In fact, the mountain our cottage was on was named Fortsburg. The ruins of the fort were above us, and the old coastal gun battery for the fort was below us. As all vacations must come to an end, we came back a week later to the hustle and bustle of the city.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's about time

We've been looking into taking a nice vacation this fall since we recently found out we will not be able to attend our friend's destination wedding (Hawaii) in January due to the start date of nursing school. It's also been over 2 years since our last real vacation (our honeymoon), so it is about time. The good news is that we decided on a place at last! This month we will be heading to St. John, USVI for a little fishing, snorkeling, and relaxation...There are a couple pictures of where we'll be staying, etc below, but we will of course post a couple more when we return.

The last couple of weeks have kept us super busy with school, work, and family. This is the last week of Katie's night class, then she's done with prerequisites for nursing school! Surprisingly, she was asked to stay at her job through the fall, despite her applying. We decided to accept this proposal to an extent - she will stay until aroung Thanksgiving. Chris has been traveling less this past month, which could not have come at a better time with the night classes (Dixie is very relieved).

This past weekend we made our tour of Texas: Houston, College Station, & Waco. We were able to visit Chris' family (especially Grandad who is in the hospital) and Katie's family, all in three days. While we were in Houston, Chris was able to go fishing for the first time in months and we both attended a Houston Texans training camp (picture below). We are both a bit exhausted this week, but it was well worth it!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fun in the sun

With the exception of the church class lake party, this past week has been more of the usual. We did get the washer and dryer running, so it was officially initiated last weekend. Today we signed up for the Houston half-marathon in January...we'll see how that training goes!

The lake party was hosted at the vacation home of one of our church group leaders, and needless to say, we had a GREAT time! It was on Richland Chambers Lake, which is a little over an hour from Dallas. There was jet skiing, water skiing, tubing, grilling...everything you could ask for at the lake, and we did it all. It was Chris' first time tubing and water skiing, and as you can see he was quite successful (after a few close encounters with the water...hehe). Katie took a couple tries to get up too, but then it was just like riding a bike. We really enjoyed not only the opportunity to get outside and be active, but getting to know some couples in our class better too.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What a week!

I can't believe I ever doubted my ability to come up with things to write about in our blog...This week has provided an abundance of topics, most of which were unimaginable this time last week.
Last Thursday was an emotional day, as my brother found out he would no longer be a part of the A&M Athletic Department staff. We experienced the whole range of emotions: shock, disbelief, anger, sadness, and joy. Yes, we have even experienced joy in this situation. After all the emails were sent (Yes, I emailed the Athletic Department and the President of A&M...and they responded...What can I say, I love my brother...) and tears were shed, we discovered just how amazing a man he is! We are so proud of him and are anxious to see what direction his life takes from here.

Friday began our July 4th celebration, as KaboomTown (the celebration put on by Addison, TX) happened that night. We watched an airshow and fireworks from the roof of our apartment garage, ate some watermelon, and spent time with friends. The next night we were able to watch more fireworks from our balcony, much to our surprise!

This week brings the beginning of my night class and a new (to us) washer & dryer! We have enjoyed spending time with my Dad while doing laundry every other weekend at his house for the past 9 months, but are glad to have a set of our own. Now we can go spend time together without being chained to dirty clothes. We got a great deal and they are delivering it Friday (they live two doors down)!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Well, we've finally taken the plunge and started our very own blog! Over the past few months we've discovered this blogging concept and decided it is about time that we join the club. It has been fun to read posts and see pictures on others' blogs, so we hope this will be another way to keep family and friends close, no matter where we go or what we are doing.

Currently we are both working, playing, and trying to keep our minds open as to future plans. In October we will have been in the Dallas area 1 year, but the big question is where will we be after that? I am finishing my last nursing prerequisite this summer and am already applying to nursing schools. This will put me starting nursing school full time this January. The two programs at the top of my list are UTMB and TWU-Dallas, but we'll see how that aligns with Chris' work opportunites. UTMB would only be 12 months long, while TWU would be 24. The only drawback is that Chris and I would have to live apart for another year with UTMB. We are keeping our options open and seeing which doors shut and which ones stay open. I should hear about decisions in October...

Meanwhile, we just celebrated our 2nd anniversary by going to a Frisco RoughRiders baseball game. There's nothing better than being a kid with your spouse (we spent our 1st anniversary at the circus, if you didn't already know). Our gift to each other is a new camera, so hopefully we'll be able to post some really good pictures soon!