Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Well, we've finally taken the plunge and started our very own blog! Over the past few months we've discovered this blogging concept and decided it is about time that we join the club. It has been fun to read posts and see pictures on others' blogs, so we hope this will be another way to keep family and friends close, no matter where we go or what we are doing.

Currently we are both working, playing, and trying to keep our minds open as to future plans. In October we will have been in the Dallas area 1 year, but the big question is where will we be after that? I am finishing my last nursing prerequisite this summer and am already applying to nursing schools. This will put me starting nursing school full time this January. The two programs at the top of my list are UTMB and TWU-Dallas, but we'll see how that aligns with Chris' work opportunites. UTMB would only be 12 months long, while TWU would be 24. The only drawback is that Chris and I would have to live apart for another year with UTMB. We are keeping our options open and seeing which doors shut and which ones stay open. I should hear about decisions in October...

Meanwhile, we just celebrated our 2nd anniversary by going to a Frisco RoughRiders baseball game. There's nothing better than being a kid with your spouse (we spent our 1st anniversary at the circus, if you didn't already know). Our gift to each other is a new camera, so hopefully we'll be able to post some really good pictures soon!


  1. Very COOL! I love the blog...
    Mom H.

  2. yay! you guys got a blog!! :)

  3. Hi! Hope all is well. You know, blogging is new for me, so hope I do this right....from your not so techno literate Mom L.

  4. Yay for a blog! What kind of camera did you guys decide on???
