What a great way to kick off the fall holiday season - cooler weather! We've had a great few weeks, but with its fair share of bumps in the road. For Halloween we were able to carve our pumpkin (squirrel was the design of choice this year) and make caramel apples & cupcakes. We also changed out our balcony plants to reflect the change in season. As great as Halloween began, it ended rough due to an unexpected trip to the ER to treat Katie for a bout of food poisoning (and no, it wasn't candy). On a positive note, we were able to watch a movie and Katie got to study IV insertions up close and personal.
That same week we found out that Katie's best friend's mother passed away, so she made a quick trip to attend the funeral. It was nice to see good friends and spend time with family. Our thoughts and prayers are still with the family...While Katie was away, Chris had the rare opportunity to go fishing with a group of guys from church. They caught a ton of fish and had a great time!
Finally, this past weekend we were excited to host Chris' Mom and Aunt here in Dallas. They arrived on Friday and ate dinner at our apartment before heading out for frozen yogurt and a trip to one of Chris' favorite stores: Academy. The next day we walked to a book fair before making it over to the Dallas Arboretum. It was beautiful and inspired us to get a membership so we can visit more often. That night we ate at our favorite pizza place and watched the Aggies pull out a great game. Sunday morning we went to church and ate some lunch before they had to head home. It was a wonderful weekend - we always love visitors!
"He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul."
-Psalm 23:2-3
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