So it looks like this once a week blog is now becoming a once a month blog...sorry! Where did this past month go?! We have been busy, busy, busy, but it has been good. Katie started back up with full time school and even finished her first exam last week. She is taking Women's Health and Adult Health this semester, so there should be many "firsts" in the near future. Today she successfully started her first IV and on her first try! She has also been working a couple shifts each week, so needless to say she is not bored. Chris has started playing in a men's outdoor soccer league and is loving it. He has proved himself enough to become a starter after his first 3 or so games. In the spirit of soccer, we went to our first FC Dallas MLS game. It was a great time!
It has been a month full of roadtrips for us - First, we were able to spend the weekend in San Antonio for a friend's wedding. It was a great time to let loose and have some fun! Then last weekend we had the chance to take a short, but sweet visit to Baton Rouge. We were able to catch up with great friends and get in a little LSU tailgating action. Amazingly, we actually packed in everything we wanted to do, including surprise Chris' parents for their anniversary. We are constantly reminded what the important things in life are, and we love to jump in and celebrate those things like we have lately.
Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

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