Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Riding the wave...

I just wanted to take a moment to share a difficult experience that I've been a part of this week, and ask for a favor. Today, a classmate of mine passed away. We were in class together Friday afternoon, but stood by her bed in ICU Monday afternoon. To make a long story short, on Saturday she became septic (her blood became toxic) and caused her major organs to progressively shut down. After coding (heart stopped) 3 times this weekend, she never regained consciousness. Upon arriving to class on Monday morning, we were informed as to the severity of the situation, and were asked to visit her. It was shocking to see someone that we treated patients with only a few days prior, as the patient...and in very, very bad shape. We were aware that she only had a short time, but as of around noon today, she was taken off life support and passed very quickly thereafter. I just ask for your prayers for the family and our TWU Nursing community. We are strong, but it is a very difficult wave to ride. She was an extremely kind woman that had such an impact on everyone she came in contact with. Thank you for your support & I love you all!


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