Monday, March 1, 2010

March already???

Is it possible that 2010 is going by this fast?! Things have been going well in our little corner of the world, but we have been keeping fairly busy. Between work, school, a little fun time, and relaxing a little bit, our time is all accounted for. Katie continues to do well in school and is finding it not only interesting, but very rewarding. She will be doing shifts at the hospital every week for the next month and a half or so, which is exciting. Can you believe it is already time to start giving injections?! Please pray for her (and her first few patients...haha...). Chris has been practicing his fly-tying skills even more lately and has become quite accomplished. Hopefully he'll get a chance to use them out on the water pretty soon. Other than that, we've had some fun visiting with friends and family this past month. The pictures below are from a party with our church group where we played a newlywed-style game. We were proud to come out with a high score - only missing 2 of 10. One of the missed questions was related to who caught the bouquet at our wedding. Maybe one husband actually got it right out of 20 or so, while a handful didn't even remember that they didn't have a bouquet toss. It was a fun time!

"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
-1 Corinthians 13:13

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