Monday, February 8, 2010

Note from Katie

I just wanted to take a moment to write a quick note and thank everyone for all the birthday wishes, special thoughts, and sweet surprises over the past few days. It really makes my day, my week, my everything to know how much I am loved and how much I am able to love.

This past weekend we did our usual tour of Texas, part due to Chris' fly tying event and part due to birthday traditions :) He had a really good time doing what he loves and it gave me an opportunity to study my brains out! We always love spending time with family and this weekend was no different. Saturday night we had some great Mexican food with Chris' family and Sunday we had a wonderful home cooked meal in College Station (complete with strawberry cake and ice cream!). P.S. Thanks Mom for the flowers at church. We even had time to stop off in Waco to watch the first half of the Superbowl with Nanny and munch on some pizza rolls. Like I mentioned earlier, this weekend (well, actually everyday since January) I had to study, study, study for the 4 tests I have this week. Two of them were today and I've got good birthday news: I got a 102 and a 90!!! I hope this finds you having a fantastic February 8th as well.

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

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